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Wiki Roadmap

Wiki Roadmap


The status of each section is marked as:

  • 🥳: Finished/ Almost Finished
  • 🤩: Advanced but due some To-Do list
  • 🤒: Some general info but far from finished
  • 🤡: Almost empty

Project overview 🥳

Project definition, scope, audience, licensing, and directions to more specialized documentation. Expectation management: state what documentation is missing and the important caveats. Similar projects, distinguishing characteristics

Information is available but a specific page about this is missing.

Communication 🥳

Links to communication channels: support platforms (e.g. forum, issues at an online repository), online community platforms (e.g. forums, chats, etc.), direct contact information, dates for joining in-person or online events

Information is available but a specific page about this is missing.

Contributions 🥳

List of possible contributions for the project: donations and investments, beta testing, feature development, reporting issues, opportunities to add interoperability with other projects. Describe the process of getting involved

Getting Started 🥳

List of places to start and links to guides.

Usage 🤩

Intended usage instructions, possible applications, usage restrictions (related to design rationale, functional specification and working principle items). Troubleshooting. Links to learning resources, maintenance and assembly guides

Software Setup 🤩

Software installation.

Electronics Setup 🤩

Instructions for connecting electronic hardware, configuring settings, calibrating devices, troubleshooting common issues, and addressing advanced configurations if applicable. Firmware information. End-stop adjustments. GRBL/CNC configuration. Network setup. Frimware/OS burning section.

Assembly Guide 🤩

Complete description of assembly steps, parts, and of required knowledge, number of people, skills, time, and tools. Links to learning resources..

  • Support frame 🥳
  • Motion system 🥳
  • Tool-changer mechanism 🥳
  • Tool and Tool-posts 🤒
  • Workspace baseplate and platforms curbs 🥳
  • Electronics 🥳
  • Setup (= Software & Electronics Setup) �🤩

Installation 🤡

Complete description of installation steps and required knowledge, environment, number of people, skills, time, and tools. Links to learning resources. This applies to installation of software (e.g. OS, compilation, dependencies, drivers, etc.) and hardware (e.g. location requirements, operating conditions, etc.)

Maintenance 🤒

Instructions for maintenance operations, stating frequency, tested replacement parts, alternatives, and the required skills. List of maintenance services and learning resources

Calibration 🤒

Overview of the calibration process, including reasons, frequency, and tools and materials needed for calibration and which needs calibration. Step-by-step instructions with details on how to calibrate tools and platforms. Troubleshooting tips for common failures, links to learning resources and any relevant references such as the assembly guide and maintenance guide.

Design 🤩

Description of the overall design rationale. List of the main design choices and implications (e.g. functional compromises). Minimal explanation of the working principles, and links to external learning resources. Minimal overview of internal modules, public APIs, or interoperability endpoints

Design Files 🤩

Index of design files with parts metadata, typically including: description, the specifications of parts and materials, applicable standards, and context. Ideally editable from a free and open source software application, and published in both original and accessible ready-to-view formats. Distinguish between custom parts (e.g. developed as a result of this or another project), off-the-shelf parts (e.g. screws), or complex modules (e.g. a single board computer)

Information is available but a specific page about this is missing.

Software Source Code 🤒

The original computer code for the software required to operate the machine to its full capability. It is good practice to write programming interfaces (APIs), which enable others to extend its functionality and operate the machine from third-party software, without a need to understand the details of your program

Information is available but a specific page about this is missing.

Technical Overview 🤩

Overview of the robot, including its purpose, its components, and its capabilities. System architecture: describe the overall architecture of the robot, including the hardware and software components. Software: describe the software that runs on the robot, including the operating system, the programming language, and the control software. Mechanisms: This section should describe the mechanisms that the robot uses to move and interact with the environment (sensors? actuators?).

Development 🤒

Development tools (e.g. IDEs, EDA, or CAD software) and style guidelines. Setup for development and testing. Detailed overview of the hardware modules and software. Specifications of the internal and external hardware interfaces. Tutorials and examples for how to get started, or adding a new module. Development roadmap, core team and contributors, derivative works. Prioritized list of tasks, required skills, version control system, channels for discussion and reporting. Description of the typical contribution process. Examples of successful and rejected contribution processes.

Sources 🤒

General links on where to find what. Minimal notes on how to find things in the repository or on GitLab. Subpages for each type of source (CAD, software, etc). Model images and links to different types of design files. Links to software: sources, installation, code, etc.

Knowledgebase 🤒

A knowledge base is a published collection of documentation that includes answers to frequently asked questions, how-to guides, and troubleshooting instructions. It's designed to make it easy for people to find solutions to their problems without having to ask for help.